Latest blog on level sixth form playing field call
** Level sixth-form playing field call ** The government should level the playing field for post-16 education in England, the Sixth Form...
With the January exams underway or in prospect for thousands of UK schoolchildren now is the time when a growing number of parents and...
What makes a career adviser?
** Most schools cut careers advice** Research suggests careers advice has been in reduced in eight out of 10 schools in England this...
GCSE row just like playground bickering!
Heads warn GCSE battle goes on Head teachers say they remain committed to legal action in the unresolved dispute over GCSE English...
The rapid growth in online private tuition over the past few years is no surprise to mother-of-three Erica Rifat from Oxford! “This is...
Ofsted wrong to tamper with teachers’ pay!!!
Teachers must work harder row A teachers leader has criticised England’s chief inspector of schools after he said they must work extra...
I think that this announcement is broadly very positive. Getting rid of GCSEs is monstrously overdue. We do need more rigorous testing...
Symptoms of a bankrupt GCSE system…
Heads say exam watchdog failed From the ridiculous to the back peddling. This...
New UK exam system needed
** Heads call for regrading of GCSEs ** Head teachers are pressing for this summer’s English GCSEs to be regraded amid a row over grade...
Free schools idea flawed..focus needed elsewhere such as GCSEs!
School funds cut before opening Government funding to a free school in Bradford is withdrawn a week before it was due to open....
UK exam system needs root and branch reform in reference to GCSE results
** GCSE grades fall for first time ** There is a fall in the proportion of GCSEs awarded an A*-C grade, for the first time since the...
Pioneering Development in Online Private Tuition
A pioneering new online tuition service has recently launched that will revolutionise the delivery of private, personalised, home-based...
Face to face online private tuition that’s NOT Skype!
A pioneering new online tuition service has recently launched that will revolutionise the delivery of private, personalised, home-based...
Rules on Academy teachers relaxed…another quick fix with no forethought!
Rules on Academy teachers relaxed…another quick fix with no forethought! . #schools #school #fail #Ofsted #colleges #ALevel #academy...
Geography change timescale preposterous!!
Geography change timescale preposterous!! . #Ofsted #ALevel #educationsystem #education #GCSE #pass #academic #exams #college
“Government needs to find a way of making these inspections seem less of a witch hunt” Ofsted’s one-day school inspection warning Education watchdog Ofsted is to introduce “almost...